Anhedonia Treatment : Complete Guide (Evidence Based)

                     Anhedonia Treatment

Anhedonia is the disease of Reward Pathway.

Our Reward Pathway is the only thing that push us to work harder in order to get future reward.

Whenever you get some form of Kick ,your reward pathway is working.

But in the anhedonia ... its get severely damaged ..

that why people get symptom's like 

  • Social Withdrawal 
  • Decreased ability to feel pleasure 
  • Zombie Effect
  • Depressed Mood
  • Indifference to Everything
To Treat Anhedonia successfully  ... We need to first understand its mechanism .

Our brain have different types of receptors . 

Like this

You can view these receptors as junction points (like in trains) where different chemical travels through

In anhedonia these junction points gets severely low in no's ,

So our happy chemical are unable to flow smoothly in the brain.

To treat these problems in receptors

We need holistic treatment.

Taking SSRI wont treat this problem .

We need to dig deeper into it

Here are some of my recommendation for Anhedonia Treatment

NALT + ALCAR : This stack is known to increase dopamine levels and receptor density.
which can solve some of the problems of anhedonia.
It is not very much potent but can still makes person little bit of functional.

Forskolin + Choline : This Stack increase dopamine levels by cAMP mechanism . Also helps people to workout out more efficiently ...
If you have problem of obesity ... this stack is excellent for it.

CDP-Choline + Piracetam : This Stack is one of the most famous stack in nootropic community . It inceases the activity of glutamate and acetylcholine in the brain ... which cause brain to work more effectively .
Also this stack works wonder in the low energy issues.

NAC + DLPA : This stack is best for repairing damage after addiction . If you got anhedonia from the Addiction ... this will works wonder ... even clinical trials are also done for it.

These Stack can repair some of the symptoms of anhedonia.

But it wont treat anhedonia completely.

For treating anhedonia from the root , you need to take some pharmaceuticals for some specific amount of time .
